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Getting Started

The core app is divided into two modules: backend and frontend. The frontend module is a standalone React application and the backend, a standalone FastAPI web API. We leverage MongoDB, RabbitMQ, and Elasticsearch. We also use MinIO out of the box as the default object store and Traefik as the web proxy.

There are two simple ways to run Clowder v2: 1. using Docker to run the full stack in Docker using the docker-compose.yml 2. running required services in docker using and running backend and frontend modules from the command line or in your favorite IDE (to make debugging easier).

Running Full Stack in Docker

To run the full stack using Docker (recommended), please use the following instructions:

  1. Run all Docker services with docker compose up --scale backend=4 --build. This will start the services with four instances of the backend module running in parallel. Note the --build flag used to build the images first. If using default images, that flag can be removed. The images can also be built with docker compose build.

  2. The application will be running and available at http://localhost.

  3. To access the Traefik dashboard, go to http://localhost:8080. To view the raw settings, go to http://localhost:8080/api/rawdata.

Running in Development Mode

When developing, the required services can be run using Docker. You can then run the backend and frontend modules from the command line or in your favorite IDE (to make debugging easier). We recommend using PyCharm and have made our run configurations available in the .run folder. PyCharm should automatically import it, but you will have to change the path to the Python virtual environment to point to your path on your host (see Initial Dependencies section below).

Initial Development Dependencies

  • Run python3 -m venv venv to create a Python Virtual Environment and add it to PyCharm by navigating to PyCharm -> Settings... -> Project: clowder2 -> Python Interpreter -> Add Interpreter.
  • Run source venv/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade pip to activate the created Python Virtual Environment and upgrade pip.
  • Run pip install pipenv to install Pipenv.

Required Services

  • Running ./ up brings up the required services in the background.
  • Running docker-compose logs -f displays the live logs for all containers. To view the logs of individual containers, provide the container name. For example, for viewing the backend module logs, run docker-compose logs -f backend.
  • Running ./ down brings down the required services.

Note: ./ sets the project name flag to -p clowder2-dev. This is so that the dev containers don't get mixed with the production containers if the user is running both on the same machine using docker-compose.yml. If this is not used, the keycloak container will use the volume created with the other docker compose and it will be unable to run as the information stored in the postgres database is different.

Backend Module

After starting up the required services, setup and run the backend module.

The backend module is developed using Python, FastAPI, and Motor. We recommend using Python 3.9 and Pipenv for dependency management.

Install Backend Dependencies

  1. Switch to backend module directory cd backend.
  2. Install dependencies using pipenv install --dev.

Run Backend Module

You can run the backend module using either of the below options:

  • Using the PyCharm's run configuration by navigating to PyCharm -> Run -> Run... and clicking uvicorn. Running directly from PyCharm helps the developer by providing easy access to its debugging features.
  • From the command line by running pipenv run uvicorn app.main:app --reload .

Additional steps/details:

  1. API docs are available at http://localhost:8000/docs. The API base URL is http://localhost:8000/api/v2.
  2. Create a user using POST /api/v2/users and getting a JWT token by using POST /api/v2/login. Place the token in header of requests that require authentications using the Authorization: Bearer <your token> HTTP header.
    • You can also run the frontend module below and use the Login link available there.
  3. Manually run tests before pushing with pipenv run pytest -v or right-clicking on test folder and clicking Run in PyCharm.
  4. Linting is done using Black. You can set up PyCharm to automatically run it when you save a file using these instructions. The git repository includes an action to run Black on push and pull_request.
  5. Before pushing new code, please make sure all files are properly formatted by running the following command in the /backend directory: pipenv run black app

Frontend Module

To run the frontend, both required services and the backend module must be running successfully.

The frontend module is developed using TypeScript, React, Material UI, Redux, webpack, Node.js. We recommend using Node v16.15 LTS.

Install Frontend Dependencies

  1. Switch to frontend directory cd ../frontend.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install

Run Frontend Module

You can run the frontend module using either of the below options:

  • Using the PyCharm's run configuration by navigating to PyCharm -> Run -> Run... and clicking start:dev. Running directly from PyCharm helps the developer by providing easy access to its debugging features.
  • From the command line by running npm run start:dev
    • By default, the backend module runs at http://localhost:8000. If running at different URL/port, use: CLOWDER_REMOTE_HOSTNAME=http://<hostname or IP address>:<port number> npm start
    • After modifying the backend module API, update autogenerated client function calls:
      • Backend module must be running
      • Run codegen: npm run codegen:v2:dev

Configuring Keycloak

  • If you are developer running the dev stack on your local machine, please import the Keycloak realm setting file /scripts/keycloak/clowder-realm-dev.json
  • If you are running production docker compose on local machine, please import the Keycloak realm setting file /scripts/keycloak/clowder-realm-prod.json
  • If you are deploying on the kubernetes cluster (, please import the Keycloak realm setting file /scripts/keycloak/mini-kube-clowder-realm-prod.json

For more details on how to set up Keycloak, please refer to keycloak setup.

Pre-commit Hooks and Linting

We use pre-commit to run linting and formatting checks before committing code. To install pre-commit, run pip install pre-commit and then pre-commit install in the root directory of the repository. This will install the pre-commit hooks and run them on every commit. If any of the hooks fail, the commit will be aborted. Once ran, the hooks will be in place for all future commits and branches since they are stored in the .git/hooks. To run the hooks manually, run pre-commit run --all-files. To skip the hooks, run git commit --no-verify (or click on cog in PyCharm and uncheck Run Git hooks).

See .pre-commit-config.yaml for the list of hooks that are run. The hooks are run in the order they are listed in the file. The hooks are run on all files that are staged for commit. To run the hooks on all files, run pre-commit run --all-files.

Hooks include:

  • Python style checks and formatting using black, isort and flake8.
  • Custom script to create openapi.json file from the backend FastAPI app.
  • Eslint and prettier for frontend code.

Eslint and Prettier

Use npx eslint-config-prettier src/index.tsx to check for conflicts between eslint and prettier. To run eslint use npx eslint src.